Our comprehensive waste services company can evaluate, transport, and responsibly recycle your materials, no matter where your company is located. At Dau Metals, we value safety, sustainability, and customer satisfaction. We strive to provide our clients with the highest level of service while minimizing our impact on the environment.
The classification of spent residue-upgrading catalyst as a hazardous waste is due to its leachability and the presence of self-heating and pyrophoric sulphides, as well as reactive poly-nuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, benzene, arsenic oil, and metals. Disposing of this catalyst in landfills is a costly endeavor, especially considering the decreasing number of outlets available due to the restrictions on hazardous waste imports imposed by many countries. These restrictions have been reinforced by the Basel convention, which aims to regulate the transboundary movement of hazardous wastes in an environmentally responsible manner.
At Dau Metals, We collect used catalysts from a variety of sectors to extract and reclaim valuable metals for our customers. Our aim is to enhance their profitability through a transparent refining process. We then help handle and transport the waste materials. With our specialized assistance and unique methodology, we provide comprehensive assistance throughout your organization's waste management process.